Who is Pilates for?

As a Pilates convert and instructor, I would argue that everyone should do it. But then, I guess I would say that.
Firstly, let’s talk about the history of Pilates. It was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s to maintain his own health following a succession of ailments. It continues to be based on the same principles introduced by the original pioneer:
- Breathing
- Concentration
- Centring
- Control
- Precision
- Flow
- Integrated Isolation
- Routine
Pilates has evolved and developed with bio-mechanical thinking and current evidence. The modified clinical Pilates method developed by the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute states that Pilates is dynamic stabilisation retraining that reconditions the body, to improve the way a person moves and functions. It is a safe way of exercising, which can be used across population groups; from individuals rehabilitating following an episode of low back pain to elite athletes aiming to improve their form in a specific sport; and from individuals looking to improve their posture and feel better about themselves, to those who wish to remain active for longer and prevent future injuries. In a nutshell, it is a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises, with emphasis on movement from a strong centre to allow our bodies to move in the most efficient way, in order to minimise the stresses through our joints and muscles.
Pilates can be undertaken on a 1-1 basis, small groups or in classes with an experienced instructor to provide the required level of support and to ensure that the exercises are specific to the needs of each individual.
For anyone interested in starting on a journey with Pilates with Newcastle Physiotherapy, a 1-1 assessment session is required with one of our experienced Physiotherapists. This allows a comprehensive history to be taken and observation of your movement patterns, before commencing a Pilates programme, which can meet your individual needs.
So, in the words of Joseph Pilates, himself, Pilates ‘will be unmistakably reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play and the way you work’